O.F.H.ARMY engages the State of Hawaii
Occupied Forces Hawaii Army, under the Command of Col. Lilikoi, S.K. has been positioned on O'ahu and engaging with the State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources since December 2021 as part of various military operations to expose the armed insurgency and hostilities that have been occurring by land and sea by DLNR / DOCARE Officers who did commit war crimes upon these lawful military combatants over the last few weeks which have been documented internally and with the help of Honolulu Police Department.
On the evening of 1-3-22 at 20:00, the Country of Hawaii’s first Army Corps since 1893 - lead by Corporals holding the appropriate ensigns, marched up to the US Indo-Pacific Command to deliver a copy of the Declaration of the State of War that was signed on 1-17-21 between the Commander of Hawaii’s Military Government and Lieutenant Beaumont of the US Navy’s Special Warfare Unit. It has been less than a year since Colonel Lilikoi, S.K. established Occupied Forces Hawaii Army to advocate for its original inhabitants (civilians) still living within the Country. O.F.H. Army Officers are considered lawful military combatants under a non-combatant command according to the Law of Land Warfare FM 27-10, and therefore are afforded various protections under International Law while within the occupation through compliance of the conditions, relative to the possession of a distinctive sign recognizable at a distance being satisfied by the wearing of an official military uniform.
Captain Hueu of I CORPS MAUI, together with a detail escort provided by Sergeant Namulauti, M. of I CORPS OAHU, met with U.S. Military Occupying forces at the entrance of Camp Smith where Captain Hueu did serve as Parlementaire on behalf of the Commander of O.F.H.Army, and did exchange an Intention for Non-Hostile Relations between Belligerents with Captain Toro of the U.S. Marines because it is part of the process of beginning to facilitate the restoration of peace. The Country of Hawaii’s military government will continue to advocate for its civilians living within occupation until a treaty of peace with US Military Occupying Forces is produced, and until the time in which the Insurgency State of Hawaii has been decommissioned from their unlawful administration of civil government and judicial affairs amidst an on-going military occupation. It is an honor to see Kānaka with thorough comprehension of Hawaii’s actual political national status exercising the scientific potency of International Law.
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