Hawaii's Leadership History
This blog post is to recap the fact that Hawaii’s monarchy and most prominent Hawaiian leaders have always made conscious decisions to prevent foreign domination of Hawaii by gaining legitimacy in forms recognized by the world. In the 1700s - Kamehameha, a Hawaiian of the ali’i or chiefly class, took advantage of his friendships with foreigners to obtain military advice and technology, which he used to subdue his rivals and unify the islands of Hawai‘i by way of an organized naval force. In doing so he became the Kingdom’s first monarch through his Hawaiian cunning which allowed him to manipulate peaceful interactions with foreigners to his benefit in ways that foreshadowed the Hawaiian population’s acceptance of Westernizing reforms of their government. Kamehameha’s son Kauikeaouli, went on to secure constitutional legitimacy which positioned Hawaii amongst the family of nations. Fast forward to Queen Lili‘uokalani who was world traveled and in her memoirs, referenced Hawaiians’ conversion to Christianity as a means of pursuing political goals. Hawaiians were aware of the value that their conversion had in appearing politically legitimate to Western countries.
When Lili‘uokalani came into power, she smartly attributed the advancement of the Hawaiian people to the influence of Americans, thus attempting to validate the conclusions that the Hawaiians drew from their education and advancement. Lili‘uokalani then argued that the Hawaiians’ desire for independence was a direct result of the knowledge they gained from American influence, proving, in humble language, that their conclusions must be right. Thus, paradoxically, by highlighting the American influence on Hawaiian religion and government, Lili‘uokalani advocated her own goals through American concepts.
Flash forward to 2021, Hawaii is still under bondage by the unlawful conservatorship of the State of Hawaii descendant regime, who is permitting foreign invasion and off-shore occupancy which has contributed to the hyper-displacement of Hawaii’s original peoples. A majority of mainstream Native Hawaiian “leaders” and non-profit organizations today have failed to recoup national assets including land + stream water, and instead continue to accept corporate payoffs or insurgency employment only to blow those measly earnings on self-indulgent experiential spoils or trips to Las Vegas for drug and alcohol ridden sex culture sinning and shopping extravaganzas while their Hawaiian societal counterparts endure houselessness and incarceration as the primary effects of mass resource theft.
It is clear our Country remains under siege. The Hawaiian Army reassembled in early 2021 as the Country of Hawaii’s Military Government body is actively advocating for a peace treaty with US Military occupying forces and demanding humanitarian aid relief for its refugees under the laws of war. This is the realest thing happening amidst the global media trending scamdemic that ploys to erase your identity, antibodies, families, economy, culture and community. O.F.H.ARMY is eternally grateful for those willing to endure the caliber of dangers Kamehameha faced and coercion that Lili’uokalani gracefully endured in order to preserve, protect and now - resurrect our independence.
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