Country of Hawaii: Findings of Facts
Civil Affairs MESSAGE for all inhabitants living within the occupation of HAWAI‘I:
1. Landing of foreign force upon neutral soil is considered an ACT OF WAR which results in a STATE OF WAR between the Neutral Nation and the Invading Nation.
a. War is Lawful (Law of Nations is International Treatise that holds the science regarding War between Nations.)
b. War is Regulated (Laws of Land Warfare codify conduct of Belligerents who are Parties to a war; to protect human and national rights of the Nation that is invaded, and Rights of soldiers of invading Nation).
Law of Nations is identified as International Law within the war convention called Laws of Land Warfare, FM 27-10.
Law of Nations is the science regarding war between Nations. The belligerents in the war in Hawai‘i are:
• HAWAI‘I (Domestic)
SITUATION: The State of Hawaii is the unlawfully occupying government regime and direct descendant of the 1893 insurgency that overthrew the Country of Hawai‘i at gunpoint. Queen Lili‘uokalani relinquished her power to the foreign belligerent (U.S.) under Article 37 of the Hawaiian Kingdom constitution and we have been in a State of War ever since. It is necessary that HAWAI‘I and the U.S. end the war to remove the State of Hawaii defacto government who is causing all the hewa, and re-establish the peace identified in the science within the Law of Nations. This is done by negotiations between belligerents to end the war with a Treaty of Peace. Only a Country’s Military Government can negotiate with another Country’s Military Government. Occupied Forces Hawai‘i Army is the Country of Hawaii’s first Military Government body since 1893 and is actively working towards re-establishing a peace treaty with the United States of America.
For more information on military service or civil affairs during occupation, and how to correct your political national status through repatriation to the Country of Hawai‘i and expatriation out of the U.S. - email